Our hollistic approach for children in India conists of
- Education
- Nutrition
- Hygiene
- Health
- Joie de vivre
We relieve minors from child labour and provide a chance for a liveable future. Our programm is bound to strict rules. For example, non of our minors is meant to contiue working in garbage collection. They have to attend our learning center on a regular basis and has to continue to attend the private school which we are financially enableling to go. After school, the children can access our learning center to spend time and to do their homework or to seek support for their school tasks. Stiftung Mein Beitrag is the only charitable organisation on the ground.
If we see the necessity for individual support and help, we carefully handtailor a solution for the child.
- health check-ups and medical interventions
- financial compensations if the child stops contributing to the family’s income (by child labour)
- Provisioning a family home
- Groceries
- Clothing
- Vitalising events
We focus on the child itself rather then on the family.

We take care of more than 30 children at our learning center.
Our children’s future is being evolve here.
Our Learning Center
In New Delhi, India, we operate a learning center for children in poverty. Our aim is to care for these children in a systematic way by providing safety and medical support. Wir bieten einen sichere Umgebung mit ausgewählten Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, in der die Kinder gefördert werden. Our educational staff helps creating the basis of school knowledge so that the children are able to attend a private school. As soon as the children attend school, we continue to support their learning efforts on a regular basis. Two teachers along with their supervisor are on site, five days a week.
- We prepare our children towards their qualifiying examiniation according to their age cohort.
- We tutor our children as their parents are unable to do so.
- We provide a warm and healthy meal everyday.
- Homework assignments are being done in a clean and safe environment.
- We provide health checks and do frequently visits to medical centers with our children.
- Just be a child: Toys, clothing and gifts.
The supervisor takes care of social work including staying in touch with the families and coping with bureaucaratic difficulties. Most children don’t have the neccessary documents needed to attend public schools.
The children’s needs are diverse.
The largest cost groups are
• Expenses for private schools (i.e. admission fee, tution fee)
• Salary for our staff in India
• Our learning center’s rent along with aparmtents for selected families
• Grocery for our pupils
• Teaching materials
• Medical supplies and medical fees
• Infrastructure for our learning center
• Groceries, sanitary products and clothing
Address Learning Center
If you need support getting to our learning center, we can support you organising your trip.
Shree Shyam Residency
Apt 1-104
Shahbad Extension
New Delhi, 110042 Delhi, India