Corporate Donations
Our foundation is authorized to collect donations elidegble to tax deduction (personal and corporate income tax) for Austria entities. Please refer to this document issued by Finanzamt Österreich this document). That way, your donation is tax deductable (§4a EStG 1988) in Austria.
If desired we can arrange a donation ceremony you can use for PR and marketing.
Also we would like to offer that your business is listed as offical donor to our foundation’s cause on our website.
For further information, please contact our Co-Founder Mr Gregor Waltner (Mobile +43 664 514 89 51), by eMail (
Your donations makes a difference
Transparency is our utmost priority.
Your donation does not go towards expensive advertisements or marketing costs.

100% of your donation
reaches its intended recipients.
The founders personally cover all administrative and organizational costs.
We are a foundation by Austrian law.
Hence, we are subject to rigorous government oversight by the Foundation and Funds Authority.
Fair compensation
Our social workers and teachers in India receive fair compensation. All individuals working in Austria do so on a voluntary basis!
You decide how your donation is being spent. Every cent counts!